Stef Craps: “Globalizing one particular memory and holding it up as a universal moral standard risks trampling or blocking out other memories”
Marianne Hirsch. Memory for the Future: Response to Serguey Ehrlich, “Memory, Identity, Imagination: The Structure of Behaviour from the Perspective of Memory Studies”
Ludmila Isurin: “My entire book prepared the reader for the fact..."
Valentina Pisanty: “The more Memory Culture grew and the more institutionalized it became, the more the deniers gained visibility”
James Wertsch: “It is often the case that someone outside a national community might have better insights than those inside it”
James V. Wertsch. The Limits of Memory and Imagination
Michael O’Hanlon. NATO Expansion, the U.S.-Russia Relationship, and Memory
Gipsman Zeldin M. Environmental Agenda: Political Trad-off Or Planetary Economy.
Maria Cristina Galmarini : “Life had brought me to Russia and the experiences I had there, especially the personal connection, kept me tied to it”
William H. Hill : “Most East European states asked to join NATO because Russia made them feel insecure, not because the US or other western European states forced them to do so”
Ivan Katchanovski: “Not a single person is convicted or arrested for the Maidan massacre”
Charles A. Ruud: “The problem is I think Putin is not a reader, he does not know Russian culture, he does not feel the Russian soul”
Karl Schlögel: “The dissolution of the Soviet empire is entirely new and demands new approaches and probably answers"
Emily Wang: «Pushkin wanted people to think that he was almost a Decembrist»
Catriona Kelly. ‘Encyclopaedia of [Lost] Russian Life.’ Rev.: Karl Schlögel, The Soviet Century...
19.06.2024. Oleg Leibovich
18.06.2024. Aleksei Vovk
17.06.2024. Georgiy Kasianov
17.06.2024. Dina Chernyaeva
15.06.2024. Vladimir Wiedemann